An Open Letter To Obama From A Mother, Re Safe School Czar Kevin Jennings
December, 6, 2009 — nicedeb
I demand that Kevin Jennings be removed from his position today.
This letter by Jennifer Hartline comes via Catholic Online, and I’m re-posting it in its entirety. Read it, she speaks for millions of us.:
An open letter to Mr. Obama
I will not address you as Mr. President. I question whether you are fit to lead anyone. What I have learned today is the very last straw. I cannot even give you the benefit of the doubt any longer. Frankly, I feel foolish for ever being inclined to do so.
We have endured a great deal from you in one short year, and it is simply too much to bear any longer. You are clearly bent on taking our country down a road of unabashed immorality and debauchery no matter what the people think or say to the contrary. It is time for our elected leaders to take a bold initiative and curtail your abilities to do any further damage.
You have filled your administration with people who hold the most outrageous, insane, and frightening views on everything from our climate to our animals and worst of all, the sexuality of our children. You plainly gravitate toward these radical sorts who have a view of America and the world that I and many other will simply never tolerate. Your intentions have been revealed, and they are divisive and destructive.
Do not attempt to distance yourself from the views of Van Jones, Cass Sunstein, and John Holdren. You don’t get a pass anymore. The buck stops with you. If you appointed them, then you believe what they believe. If you think they’re off-base and you disagree with them, then you shouldn’t hire them to do your laundry, let alone fill a cabinet-level position. If they’re on your team, then you’re okay with everything they’ve said and published – period. You’re the one who wanted the job, so stop crying about being unfairly aligned with crazy radical views.
Quite possibly the worst of all is Kevin Jennings, your so-called Safe Schools Czar. That you have given this man the task of making our public schools “safe” for students to learn is stunning. Jennings has a view of “health” and “safety” for our kids that is shockingly corrupt and devoid of morality and you gave him the job.
I am unutterably sick to death of the hyper-sexualization of our children in this culture, and I will not silently allow you and Jennings to further this twisted agenda in our school system under the banner of tolerance and equality. How dare you use the power of your office to pollute my children’s futures with rampant, forced, immoral sexual indoctrination!
I read through as much as I could stand of Jennings’ list of “safe reading” for our school children beginning in kindergarten all the way through 12th grade. I saw some of the illustrations in these recommended books and I was glad I had an empty stomach. What I read and saw was revolting and pornographic. This filth is what your czar wants our children to read in order to foster understanding, tolerance, and create a safe environment for learning? This putrid smut has one purpose only and that is to break down a child’s moral center and make them slaves to selfish, destructive, immoral, and even deadly sexual behavior.
Your intentions have been revealed, Mr. Obama. You are no friend of parents in this country. If you want to denounce this disgusting “safe reading” list then fire Jennings immediately. Otherwise, you are complicit in endorsing this repugnant garbage and the end result it seeks to achieve. Stop destroying the innocence of our children through exposing them to what appears to be this mans obsession with unrestrained, immoral sexual activity.
As a parent and voter I demand that Kevin Jennings be removed from his position today, and I demand that my Congressman and Senators take action to require his removal. You have proven your motives to be far worse than even I imagined a year ago. I thought, I hoped, that you would prove to be reasonable and show a modicum of moral leadership. That has not been the case in this critical area, the education of our children, and you must not be allowed to drag this nation into an abyss of sexual depravity masquerading as tolerance.
Your sworn allegiance to Planned Parenthood and the abortion “rights” lobby is just the tip of the iceberg. It appears to me you are determined to usher in a modern era of Sodom and Gomorrah. You think I’m wildly exaggerating things here? Then prove it by publicly condemning the trash your czar wants all our children to read.
If you won’t, then I dare you to publicly defend the books that write explicitly about a group of young boys getting together to perform fellatio on each other. Defend the books that feature pictures of a man having anal sex with a boy under the caption stating how this transforms the boy into a man. Defend the books that are filled with kids asking each other if they want to f*** (yes, using that word). This isn’t being marketed to adults; it’s being peddled by coercion to our children.
No elegantly-delivered speech will save you this time. If you do not unequivocally condemn this outrageous trash and fire Jennings, then you are exactly the person I describe here and you’ll get no help from me in keeping your dirty little secret. We both know your political survival depends on parents not finding out what Jennings wants to force into our public school system.
The responsibility is yours. If you will not protect America’s kids from this kind of corruption, then you are unfit to lead this great nation, a nation founded on the truth of the authority and power of God. We do not derive our freedom from our own laws; we do not acquire our worth from our own definitions of human life, but from the God who created us out of love and for love.
You are sliding down a dark tunnel where God is denied, purity is destroyed and love no longer has meaning. You are free to take that terrible trip if you so choose, but don’t you dare take this country with you. I will not quietly oblige you in your efforts to erode the moral fabric of America and her children under some insane pretext of rights and equality.
If you need bedtime reading tonight, I recommend Isaiah 5:20: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
And Romans 1:28 “Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity… they invent ways of doing evil…they are senseless, faithless, heartless and ruthless. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.”
And Jeremiah 7:28: “This is the nation that has not obeyed the Lord its God or responded to correction. Truth has perished; it has vanished from their lips.”
There is no excuse, no justification for what you and Jennings are doing. Stop it immediately. I hold you responsible. Every American should hold you responsible. If I’m wrong, prove it.
As for everyone else, brace yourselves and go to:
Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar” Is Promoting Child Porn in the Classroom.
See for yourself what Kevin Jennings wants your children to read. Are you okay with this? Obama appointed him, so the buck stops with Obama. Will you remain silent?
Jennifer Hartline is a Catholic Army wife and stay-at-home mother of three precious kids who writes frequently on topics of Catholic faith and daily living. She is a contributing writer for Catholic Online.
Let’s hope Fox News (forget the rest of the them) picks up this story this week, and pummels Obama with it. This controversy has been brewing for months, going nowhere. When a majority of parents across this nation finally hear about this, I’d like to think the uproar that ensues will drown out the mewlings of the Purple Mafia. This Czar must go, and Obama must be held accountable for appointing him.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Prepare for massive HEALTHCARE TAXES
Prepare for massive HEALTHCARE TAXES
The Obama healthcare initiative will be the biggest unfunded federal mandate on the states in history. It will force dozens of states, particularly in the South, to abandon their low-tax ways and to move toward dramatically higher rates of taxation. It may even force Florida and Texas to impose an income tax!
In the Senate version of the bill, states must expand their Medicaid eligibility to cover everyone with an income that is 133 percent of the poverty level.
The House bill brings it up to 150 percent. But a host of states have kept their state taxes low precisely by so limiting eligibility for Medicaid that it essentially is only for seniors needing long-term care and not for poor younger people who require acute care.
For example, Texas covers only those who make 27 percent of the poverty level or less. Florida covers only 55 percent. Pennsylvania covers only 36 percent. Arkansas covers only 17 percent. North Dakota covers only 62 percent. Nebraska covers only 58 percent. Louisiana covers only 26 percent. Indiana covers only 26 percent.
The revenue required to bring these states up to the 133 percent level in the Senate bill or the 150 percent level in the House would be enormous. Even California only covers up to 106 percent of the poverty level.
All states except for Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont and Wisconsin (plus the District of Columbia) will have to raise their eligibility for Medicaid under the Senate healthcare bill. And they will have to pay for part of the cost. Under the House bill, with a higher Medicaid eligibility standard, Massachusetts and Vermont would also have to pay more.
The Medicaid expansion provisions of the Senate bill are complex. In the first year of the program (2013), states must enroll anyone who earns less than 133 percent of the poverty level in their programs. For a family of four, the national average poverty level in 2009 is $22,000 a year. So any family that size that makes less than $29,000 would be eligible for Medicaid.
For the first three years of the program (2013-2015) the federal government would pay for all of the costs of the Medicaid expansion. But starting in the fourth year of operation -- 2016 -- states would be obliged to pay 10 percent of the extra cost.
While Obama has often spoken about how he won't raise taxes on the middle class, his healthcare legislation will require the governors to do so.
Particularly in those states with Democratic governors, it is easy to see how the backlash against these new taxes could fundamentally alter state politics.
The following table is a rough calculation of the cost each state will have to bear once it has to pick up 10 percent of the cost. These calculations are based on guidelines laid down for me by the Republican staff of the Senate Finance Committee. There has been no official data yet generated on how much the Senate or House provisions will cost the taxpayers in each state.
Alaska $39M
Ariz. $217M
Ark. $402M
Calif. $1,428M
Colo. $163M
Del. $35M
Fla. $909M
Ga. $495M
Hawaii $41M
Idaho $97M
Iowa $77M
Ind. $586M
Kan. $186M
Ky. $199M
La. $432M
Md. $194M
Mich. $570M
Miss. $136M
Mo. $836M
Mont. $29M
Neb. $81M
Nev. $54M
N.H. $59M
N.M. $102M
N.C. $599M
N.D. $14M
Ohio $399M
Okla. $190M
Ore. $231M
Pa. $1,490M
S.C. $122M
S.D. $33M
Texas $2,749M
Utah $58M
Va. $601M
Wash. $311M
W.Va. $132M
Wyo. $25M
These estimates were obtained by calculating the increase in Medicaid spending in each state to bring it up to the 133 percent level specified in the Senate bill. Then I applied the percentage of Medicaid spending in each state on acute care (mainly for the poor) as opposed to long-term care (mainly for the elderly). Finally, I took 10 percent of the increased state share of spending and listed it in the table above.
Please Note: The Senate may vote on the healthcare bill this month. It's absolutely critical you support the League's efforts to stop Obamacare. We have made tremendous progress, but we must do more. Please help the League today.
The League of American Voters:
The Obama healthcare initiative will be the biggest unfunded federal mandate on the states in history. It will force dozens of states, particularly in the South, to abandon their low-tax ways and to move toward dramatically higher rates of taxation. It may even force Florida and Texas to impose an income tax!
In the Senate version of the bill, states must expand their Medicaid eligibility to cover everyone with an income that is 133 percent of the poverty level.
The House bill brings it up to 150 percent. But a host of states have kept their state taxes low precisely by so limiting eligibility for Medicaid that it essentially is only for seniors needing long-term care and not for poor younger people who require acute care.
For example, Texas covers only those who make 27 percent of the poverty level or less. Florida covers only 55 percent. Pennsylvania covers only 36 percent. Arkansas covers only 17 percent. North Dakota covers only 62 percent. Nebraska covers only 58 percent. Louisiana covers only 26 percent. Indiana covers only 26 percent.
The revenue required to bring these states up to the 133 percent level in the Senate bill or the 150 percent level in the House would be enormous. Even California only covers up to 106 percent of the poverty level.
All states except for Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont and Wisconsin (plus the District of Columbia) will have to raise their eligibility for Medicaid under the Senate healthcare bill. And they will have to pay for part of the cost. Under the House bill, with a higher Medicaid eligibility standard, Massachusetts and Vermont would also have to pay more.
The Medicaid expansion provisions of the Senate bill are complex. In the first year of the program (2013), states must enroll anyone who earns less than 133 percent of the poverty level in their programs. For a family of four, the national average poverty level in 2009 is $22,000 a year. So any family that size that makes less than $29,000 would be eligible for Medicaid.
For the first three years of the program (2013-2015) the federal government would pay for all of the costs of the Medicaid expansion. But starting in the fourth year of operation -- 2016 -- states would be obliged to pay 10 percent of the extra cost.
While Obama has often spoken about how he won't raise taxes on the middle class, his healthcare legislation will require the governors to do so.
Particularly in those states with Democratic governors, it is easy to see how the backlash against these new taxes could fundamentally alter state politics.
The following table is a rough calculation of the cost each state will have to bear once it has to pick up 10 percent of the cost. These calculations are based on guidelines laid down for me by the Republican staff of the Senate Finance Committee. There has been no official data yet generated on how much the Senate or House provisions will cost the taxpayers in each state.
Alaska $39M
Ariz. $217M
Ark. $402M
Calif. $1,428M
Colo. $163M
Del. $35M
Fla. $909M
Ga. $495M
Hawaii $41M
Idaho $97M
Iowa $77M
Ind. $586M
Kan. $186M
Ky. $199M
La. $432M
Md. $194M
Mich. $570M
Miss. $136M
Mo. $836M
Mont. $29M
Neb. $81M
Nev. $54M
N.H. $59M
N.M. $102M
N.C. $599M
N.D. $14M
Ohio $399M
Okla. $190M
Ore. $231M
Pa. $1,490M
S.C. $122M
S.D. $33M
Texas $2,749M
Utah $58M
Va. $601M
Wash. $311M
W.Va. $132M
Wyo. $25M
These estimates were obtained by calculating the increase in Medicaid spending in each state to bring it up to the 133 percent level specified in the Senate bill. Then I applied the percentage of Medicaid spending in each state on acute care (mainly for the poor) as opposed to long-term care (mainly for the elderly). Finally, I took 10 percent of the increased state share of spending and listed it in the table above.
Please Note: The Senate may vote on the healthcare bill this month. It's absolutely critical you support the League's efforts to stop Obamacare. We have made tremendous progress, but we must do more. Please help the League today.
The League of American Voters:
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